I'm back home ladies and gentlemen!!! Good news for my family, bad news for my friends. I gotta make sure they stay in trouble and get all the excitement they missed out on while I was gone! This week has been CRAZY, so I gotta end it with a bang. It hit its peak mid-week on Wednesday evening... sit back and get ready to laugh...
Wednesday morning started like all the other cold, rainy Midwest days. By 8AM, I'm heading to the park-n-ride a mile away to take the Express bus to work. I was on time today because I had a breakfast seminar to attend at 8:30 and I wanted to be there early enough to get the good food before its picked over. I don't know if it was the funky Timbaland beats on Brandy's "Afrodisiac" CD, or the crazy text messages I received the night before that I was mentally overanalyzing, or the fact that the temperature was trying so hard to stay below freezing... but something had me distracted. The next thing I knew, I was on the interstate and only 3 miles from work. I had totally forgotten to stop at the bus stop. By now I'm mad about spending yet another $10 on over-priced downtown parking, but its too late to turn around and go back, so I just head in and park across the street at the cheap, open garage. (The warm, underground garages are $15-$16/day and that adds up FAST).
As I'm attempting to jay-walk across LaSalle, a 264 mph
gust of wind sends my hat flying in the air on some Mary Poppins type stuff. I stopped, turned around, and looked UP as my hat floating along the second story of the garage. In my mind I'm thinking "I hated that ugly hat anyway..." but then I feel shameful when I remember how wasteful I can be and the last thing I need to do is give myself another excuse to go buy a hat. So... once the hat finally finished its tour of downtown and landed on the sidewalk, I picked it up, put it back on and ran, face down, to my destination. I don't know if anyone saw me and really didn't care. That was not gonna ruin my day....
I spent the day working, going through meetings (which were much more exciting and aggressive than any gathering of professionals should ever become) and running over to Macy's to pick up a few things for my step-mom. While in Macy's, I was watching the clock like a hawk, because I was a few blocks away from the bus stop and the last bus comes at 6:22PM. I couldn't afford to miss it. So I rushed up the street, got to the stop too early, at 6:15P, and almost froze while I waited. I was soooo glad to get on that warm bus and while I usually sit in the very front, I went to the very last row, kicked up my feet and leaned back to relax and enjoy the 15 minute ride in silence. Since I was in the back, I was the last one off the bus. I thanked the driver, a young sista who peeled off as soon as I stepped onto the curb, and I proceeded towards the parking lot to get my car....... except... its.not.there.... because... remember......
Now I'm stranded at the bus stop, 10 miles from work, 1 mile from home, in 25 degree weather, in a suburb with no cabs... this is the story of my life. I had to call my cousin who had just sat down to dinner, to come rescue me. The wait wasn't so bad though. In my despair I glanced up and saw a Chin's Asia Fresh. FOOD!!!! It doesn't get any better. I trudged across the parking lot, ordered some food and sat in silence while I reflected on the day's events and just how truly dumb that day was...
So in celebration of getting over that and the other dumb mistakes I made, or almost made this week, I highlighted my hair and then decided to make a 6-7" donation to Locks of Love - yes, freshkinkycut, I chopped it off. Now we just have to get sherriblaise to do the same! Its only been a few hours but I'm loving it already!!! Actually wishing I had cut a little more off... maybe next time... but anyway, here it is.... what do ya think??? BTW - My new makeup artist friend Nic was hooking it up in the salon - I told her to give me a hot club look cause me and the girls are going out in 50 minutes!!!!
**I wrote this before we went out but it didn't post until I got home that night... go figure...**
***I know you all were looking forward to more pics, but I can't do an item of the day cause I gotta get ready for dinner right now... will post item and pics of the girls and I hanging out later. Have a great, safe night everyone!