Because I know my father is a faithful reader of my blog (Dad, if you're not then keep faking it - it makes me feel special)... I must take a moment to wish him a Happy Father's Day. I gave gift duties to his beloved son this year and my fingers are crossed with the hopes that he actually comes through as he promised (a.k.a. was instructed to do by his big sister). Either way, I want to take a moment to say...
to the men in my life and in the lives of many others I know. This wish goes out to my own father who taught me everything I know about engineering and always trusted me, from an early age to make good decisions and learn from the ones that weren't so good;
my Papa who knows everything there is to know about anything and gives me a bar to keep reaching for in my quest for more knowledge;
my brother John/Bravo, who is not as father (as far as I know) but for decades has professed his hopes to someday father over 100 children;
the men who helped my dad with the daunting task of raising a daughter in so many ways over the years - Andre, Edgar, Mr Martin, Mickey and a number of other cousins and friends; the young men with no kids who stay in the community working with young men and women who may be headed down the wrong path; friends of mine who are very admirable single fathers and never quit trying despite all they have been up against; all of the men who hope to someday be fathers knowing that its not going to be an easy job; and to anyone else I may have forgotten.... Happy Father's Day!