Every once in a while I gather all of the photos I meant to post into a single blog… here is your entertainment for the week with a summary of some of the year’s events so far…

Valentine’s Day/February Birthday celebrations with the girls at Benihana – the chef left me a message *smile*.

Took this pic of a page in the Macy’s ad and went to find it… In the end didn’t buy it. The model must be way taller than me.

My dad was in Chicago the weekend I took my license and took me on a father daughter movie date that night.

A manager posting this after repeatedly telling me to stop walking/running so fast in the office.

I made it to the United Center taping of the Oprah show. It was the BEST concert ever!!!! I had a blast!!

Spent the holidays with my favorite little cousins at Navy Pier.

Took a trip to Detroit and got to see my Papa’s growing urban garden, including the cantaloupe along the fence (its hanging in the bag in the 3rd pic above).

Oh, and I grew my hair out!!! This pic is from June/July when I first straightened it after a few months of wearing it curly.
When I get a chance, I’ll post the food pics… there were too many to include on this post!!