The highlight of our trip was the Vallarta Adventures - Outdoor Adventure!!! This was one of the most exciting things I've ever done in my life! Check out my Spaces video module for a video summary of what we did over our 4 hour day - canopy runs, mountain hiking, donkey rides, waterfall repels.... you name it - we did it!! I would recommend this to anyone who can handle it - its very strenuous and definitely qualifies as a work out!
We stayed at the Dreams Resort... which was absolutely wonderful. The staff was GREAT, the all-inclusive activities (and drinks) were plentiful and the beach.... well, the pics speak for themselves...
Now, after the vacations and holiday have passed, its time to settle into real life..... and save up for the next trip!!!
**PS, I'm trying out this Google Chrome browser at work and at home... I was liking it just well enough until I pulled up my blog on and saw that a few things were missing... sigh... you almost had me Google!!!!!